We’re all about high-quality green coffee.

We are InterAmerican Coffee.

InterAmerican Coffee is supplying specialty green coffee to roasters across North America, Europe and Australia.

Through our more than 50 sister companies in 26 countries, as well as through old and new relationships that we consistently seek out, nurture and forge, we source and import some of the world’s best coffees. These include certified Organic, Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance coffees, quality and price options from traceable blend components to unique small-lot offerings, and coffees through special projects designed to improve both cup quality and the lives and futures of coffee growers and producers.

We have Trade teams and Quality Control labs in all our locations, and they include more than a dozen certified Q Graders. And proudly, we’re ­­­part of the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG)—the world’s leading green coffee company—which gives us access to numerous other quality-control labs and on-the-ground experts around the globe.

NKG’s global strength and breadth help us to consistently acquire the coffees our customers love—and to keep discovering beautiful new ones. Our decades of experience have refined and strengthened our logistics operations. And the expertise and passion our teams bring to work each day help us to positively impact the supply chain, both locally and globally. Together, these factors make for a company we couldn’t be prouder of.

We invite you to cup with us, train with us and explore with us.
And to share how we can help you to keep growing along with us.

Get in touch with our local teams:

InterAmerican Coffee Australia
InterAmerican Coffee Europe
InterAmerican Coffee USA

We’re taking responsibility today for a sustainable coffee industry tomorrow

Considering social, environmental, and economic needs is an integral part of our business model and contributes to our long-term success. We are therefore committed to our NKG Responsible Business Program, which defines our responsible and sustainable actions.

More about the NKG Responsible Business Program

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InterAmerican Coffee Australia
InterAmerican Coffee Europe
InterAmerican Coffee USA